September 19, 2011

Botanical Medicine and Witch Craft!

Borage from Project Gutenberg EBook
of Culinary Herbs, via Wikimedia
We're excited to have three classes up and running! Tonight, Monday September 19th, Chanelle's class on Botanical Medicine begins, meeting from 7:30 to 9:30pm at Libertalia. If you'd like more information or if you have any questions, you can contact Chanelle at

Another event, being hosted by Free School allies and friends this Wednesday, 9/21, at Witch Club: WITCH CRAFT! with Jenine.
This Wednesday night starting at 8 PM, come to Witch Club for craft night. Bring a project or your sketchbook to draw in. I'll do a skillshare on how to make pom poms! If you bring a snack, it'll be appreciated.

Come hang out because it's so nice to make things together!
You can contact Jenine for directions or other information!

September 17, 2011

September-October calendar published!

Our first calendar/brochure is published! Check out the embedded document below, or if that doesn't work, try downloading the PDF or viewing it directly at GoogleDocs or Scribd.

(Updates coming soon as more classes get added.)
  Providence Free School September-October 2011 calendar

September 11, 2011

Info on Upcoming Classes!

The Free School is incredibly excited to announce that its first three classes will be starting soon! More information on the classes is below, and anyone who's interested should just show up at the first class or contact the teacher/facilitator. All three of these classes will be starting between the 17th and the 25th, and all three will be meeting at Libertalia.

One clarifying note: while these are the first three classes to get started, proposals are always welcome, and more classes will be probably be starting up in October and November.

1) Botanical Medicine, taught by Chanelle Bergeron
Mondays 7:30pm-9:30pm (1st class 9/19)
No experience required!
Contact with questions.

From the teacher: I want to get the word out to people who are looking to learn about the plants around them & what these wonderful plants have to offer us, or are looking for a way to experience an alternative form of medicine, gain resources, & reclaim some of their own personal power when it comes to medicine & taking care of themselves.
The class would be focused around western, traditional, & intuitive botanical medicine: history & folklore/basics of botanical structure/a touch of ayurveda/practical & first aid applications/materia medica/herbal energetics/medicine making/wildcrafting ethics/some physiology/male & female reproductive health/etc."

2) Popular Programming, taught by Daniel Patterson
Saturdays 1pm-3 (1st Class 9/17)
No experience required!
Contact with questions.

From the teacher: The motivation of this class is to explore language and communication as it connects to computer programming. Our lives are surrounded by and dominated by the function of computers, yet most people think that the way they work is not something they could understand. The intention of this class is to show that this is not the case, through an exploratory process inspired by the work of Paulo Freire.
It is aimed at people who have no experience programming. People with experience are of course welcome, but if you are looking for a class on “how to build a website” or “learning X programming language”, you’ll probably be disappointed. The intention of this class is to develop the tools and understanding to dissect the technological society that we live in, and build alternatives if you want to. It’s an experimental class (what isn’t?), and shouldn’t be like any other “programming” class (or at least any I’ve heard of).

More info on the class at

3) Why Revolution, facilitated by Oi
Sundays 7:30pm-9:30 (1st Class 9/18)
No experience required!
Contact with questions.

From the facilitator: A participant-led discussion group focused on the roots of revolution, what revolution looks like today, and where revolutionary movement is headed. The discussion group will explore the intricacies of what exactly a/the revolution is and why people are part of it. Since I would like this class to be participant lead, I really have no idea where the discussion will go.
I hope to bring into the group the use of essays, letters, news sources, interviews, books, maps, documentaries and other mediums that help us understand our socio-economic reality.

September 5, 2011

Next Meeting Weds. 9/7, 6:30, Libertalia

Our next organizational meeting will be Wednesday, September 7 at 6:30 at Libertalia (280 Broadway).

If you're hoping to propose a class, but would like some feedback or discussion to help build your proposal, come right at the start of the meeting for an open conversation on proposals. After this, we'll talk about other  proposals that have come in, and then we'll be working on the logistics of getting classes publicized and started in the next week! As always, look through last meetings' notes to get an idea of what's going on.