September 19, 2011

Botanical Medicine and Witch Craft!

Borage from Project Gutenberg EBook
of Culinary Herbs, via Wikimedia
We're excited to have three classes up and running! Tonight, Monday September 19th, Chanelle's class on Botanical Medicine begins, meeting from 7:30 to 9:30pm at Libertalia. If you'd like more information or if you have any questions, you can contact Chanelle at

Another event, being hosted by Free School allies and friends this Wednesday, 9/21, at Witch Club: WITCH CRAFT! with Jenine.
This Wednesday night starting at 8 PM, come to Witch Club for craft night. Bring a project or your sketchbook to draw in. I'll do a skillshare on how to make pom poms! If you bring a snack, it'll be appreciated.

Come hang out because it's so nice to make things together!
You can contact Jenine for directions or other information!


  1. In contemporary times, Botanical medicine has ties with witchcraft and sorcery. While several doctors back then were very reliant on botanical medicine.

  2. You are not alone in your interests in botanical medicines. In the U.S., botanical medicines are one of the most popular and rapidly growing of all complementary therapies.

  3. I heard a great news for Botanical Medicine from you. I really enjoy this class so I do attend regular in your class.

  4. Botanical Medicine is great invention I will tell because it help to get out so many disses from our body.

  5. Botanical Medicine and Witch Craft is very interesting name for your classes. I would like to getto know more about Botanical Medicine.

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